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Can I Write Off Alimony Payments On My Taxes

Can I Write Off Alimony Payments On My Taxes

Can I Write Off Alimony Payments On My Taxes Ah, taxes. As if a divorce isn’t bad enough on its own you also have to think about the tax implications of the decisions that are made within your case. It’s a situation where you are adding insult to injury. Regardless of how it makes you… Continue reading Can I Write Off Alimony Payments On My Taxes

Can I Pay Alimony Directly To My EX?

Can I Pay Alimony Directly To My EX?

Can I Pay Alimony Directly To My EX? You endured the stresses and difficulties of divorce proceedings and fought to ensure that you got the alimony you felt you deserved. But your ex is now simply ignoring the requirement and not making their payments to you. What can you do? Here are the steps you… Continue reading Can I Pay Alimony Directly To My EX?