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Bankruptcy Case: Dismissed Without Prejudice

Bankruptcy Case Dismissed Without Prejudice.

Bankruptcy Case: Dismissed Without Prejudice A bankruptcy dismissal happens when something goes wrong and the bankruptcy court rejects your case. There are many reasons this can happen and many consequences. The word “dismiss” shouldn’t be confused with discharge, which is when certain debts are eliminated. Instead, dismissal means that the bankruptcy case has been thrown… Continue reading Bankruptcy Case: Dismissed Without Prejudice

Bankruptcy V.S. Doing Nothing

Bankruptcy V.S. Doing Nothing.

Bankruptcy V.S. Doing Nothing If you’re struggling with debt, filing for bankruptcy can be a good way to get your finances back on track. But not everyone needs to start a bankruptcy case right away. Whether you should file for bankruptcy or do nothing will depend on whether you’re vulnerable to creditors. In some cases,… Continue reading Bankruptcy V.S. Doing Nothing