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Debt And Marriage: When Do I Owe My Spouse’s Debts?

Debt And Marriage: When Do I Owe My Spouse's Debts?

Debt And Marriage: When Do I Owe My Spouse’s Debts? Whether you and your spouse are responsible for paying each other’s debts will depend primarily on where you live. If your state follows common law property rules, spouses are only liable for their own debts, with a few exceptions. For instance, both spouses must pay… Continue reading Debt And Marriage: When Do I Owe My Spouse’s Debts?

Common Types Of Real Property Ownership

Common Types Of Real Property Ownership

Common Types Of Real Property Ownership When you file for bankruptcy, you have to list all aspects of your financial situation, including all of the property that you own. If you own real estate known as real property—you’ll also be asked to disclose your ownership interest using legal terminology. Although this seems simple, you can… Continue reading Common Types Of Real Property Ownership

Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer Croydon UT 84018

Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer Croydon UT 84018 Are you looking for a prenuptial agreement lawyer in Croydon UT 84018? If so, you’ve come to the right place! A prenuptial agreement, or “prenup”, is an important legal document that protects the interests of each spouse in the event of a divorce or death. Prenups are an important… Continue reading Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer Croydon UT 84018