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Probate in Utah

Demystifying Probate: A Guide To Settling Estates & Distributing Assets Are you feeling overwhelmed by the process of probate? Unsure of where to begin or what steps to take? Don't worry, you're not alone. Probate can be a complex and confusing process, but fear not – we are here to demystify it for you. Welcome… Continue reading Probate in Utah

Common Types Of Real Property Ownership

Common Types Of Real Property Ownership

Common Types Of Real Property Ownership When you file for bankruptcy, you have to list all aspects of your financial situation, including all of the property that you own. If you own real estate known as real property—you’ll also be asked to disclose your ownership interest using legal terminology. Although this seems simple, you can… Continue reading Common Types Of Real Property Ownership

Estate Planning Salt Lake City Utah

Estate Planning Salt Lake City Utah Estate Planning is an important step in ensuring that you, your family, and your assets are protected and taken care of in the event of your death, divorce, or other unforeseeable events. It is important to understand the laws that govern estate planning in Utah and how an experienced… Continue reading Estate Planning Salt Lake City Utah