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Probate Salt Lake City UT

Salt Lake Lawyer Introduction The Benefits of Hiring a Probate Attorney in Salt Lake City UT Common Mistakes to Avoid When Going Through Probate in Salt Lake City UT How to Avoid Probate in Salt Lake City UT What to Expect When Going Through Probate in Salt Lake City UT Understanding the Probate Process in… Continue reading Probate Salt Lake City UT

Can I Pick Who Adopts My Child?

Can I Pick Who Adopts My Child?

Can I Pick Who Adopts My Child? With Utah Adoptions, one of the first steps in the adoption process is for adoptive parents to fill out an Adoption Planning Questionnaire, or APQ. This is a simple set of questions that helps the agency and adoptive parents determine which adoption situations fit best with their family.… Continue reading Can I Pick Who Adopts My Child?

Can I Give Back A Child I Adopted?

Can I Give Back A Child I Adopted?

Can I Give Back A Child I Adopted? In short, yes. Adoptions can be reversed, as adoptions do not always work out. However, adoption is not legally intended to be reversible. As such, reversing an adoption is a complicated and nuanced process. Some examples of when adoption reversal generally occurs include but are not limited… Continue reading Can I Give Back A Child I Adopted?

Can A Child Choose Which Parent They Want To Live With?

Can A Child Choose Which Parent They Want To Live With?

Can A Child Choose Which Parent They Want To Live With? Child custody is decided on what is in the child’s best interest but not necessarily on the child’s preference. However, this does not mean that a child does not have a say in where he or she is to live and with whom. If… Continue reading Can A Child Choose Which Parent They Want To Live With?

Estate Planning Salt Lake City Utah

Estate Planning Salt Lake City Utah Estate Planning is an important step in ensuring that you, your family, and your assets are protected and taken care of in the event of your death, divorce, or other unforeseeable events. It is important to understand the laws that govern estate planning in Utah and how an experienced… Continue reading Estate Planning Salt Lake City Utah