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Can Non Biological Parents Get Child Custody Or Timesharing

Can Non Biological Parents Get Child Custody Or Timesharing In case the biological parent and the non-biological parent are on good terms, custody problems will not be an issue. However, what happens when the relationship between the biological and non-biological parents starts to deteriorate? Alternatively, what happens when both biological parents are absent, unfit or… Continue reading Can Non Biological Parents Get Child Custody Or Timesharing

Can I Pick Who Adopts My Child?

Can I Pick Who Adopts My Child?

Can I Pick Who Adopts My Child? With Utah Adoptions, one of the first steps in the adoption process is for adoptive parents to fill out an Adoption Planning Questionnaire, or APQ. This is a simple set of questions that helps the agency and adoptive parents determine which adoption situations fit best with their family.… Continue reading Can I Pick Who Adopts My Child?