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Consequences Of Divorce?

Consequences Of Divorce?

Consequences Of Divorce? Divorce can be a difficult time for a family. Not only are the parents realizing new ways of relating to each other, but they are learning new ways to parent their children. When parents’ divorce, the effects of divorce on children can vary. Some children react to divorce in a natural and… Continue reading Consequences Of Divorce?

Cohabitation And Its Effect On Rise In Divorce Rate

Cohabitation And Its Effect On Rise In Divorce Rate

Cohabitation And Its Effect On Rise In Divorce Rate According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, divorce rates in Utah is among the lowest nationwide. With the exception of people over the age of 50, who are getting divorced more often than younger couples, divorce rates in Utah have continued to drop… Continue reading Cohabitation And Its Effect On Rise In Divorce Rate

Can You Go To Jail For A Foreclosure?

Can You Go To Jail For A Foreclosure? The ѕhоrt аnѕwеr iѕ NO. The house owner will nоt gо tо jаil but if thе bank dоеѕ not receive рауmеnt, thеу will рrоbаblу hоund their debtor fоr ԛuitе a lоng timе, until they receive what they want. It is possible that thе bank will never dесidе… Continue reading Can You Go To Jail For A Foreclosure?

Can Non Biological Parents Get Child Custody Or Timesharing

Can Non Biological Parents Get Child Custody Or Timesharing In case the biological parent and the non-biological parent are on good terms, custody problems will not be an issue. However, what happens when the relationship between the biological and non-biological parents starts to deteriorate? Alternatively, what happens when both biological parents are absent, unfit or… Continue reading Can Non Biological Parents Get Child Custody Or Timesharing

Pre-Negotations Of Real Estate Loans

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Pre-Negotations Of Real Estate Loans A pre-negotiation letter establishes the framework for the parties to discuss either a loan modification, loan workout, or some other option. It is commonly entered into if the borrower requests a loan workout or forbearance following one or more default notices but before the start of formal enforcement proceedings. This… Continue reading Pre-Negotations Of Real Estate Loans

Should I Go To Trial For DUI?

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Should I Go To Trial For DUI? For many people, a DUI is their first arrest and criminal charge. A DUI can result in serious consequences, including jail time, fines, surcharges, community service, and a loss of driving privileges. In addition, people with DUI convictions on their records find their motor vehicle insurance premiums going… Continue reading Should I Go To Trial For DUI?